Pain Specialists of Charleston BLOG
Experiencing Achilles Pain After Running? Here’s Why
The excitement of crossing the finish line after a race can’t be beaten – the surge of adrenaline as the finish line comes into view, the joy of being handed the finisher’s medal, and that nagging pain at the back of your ankle…
As a runner, you’ve likely experienced both the joys and the pains that come with life on your feet. While runner’s knee and shin splints have become part of your lifestyle, the discomfort you feel in the back of your ankle is new territory....
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How to Tell If You Have a Torn Rotator Cuff
Whether you like to spend your time on the tennis court or frequently test your limits in the gym, one thing is for sure: pain in your shoulder impacts every part of your life.
Every year, almost 2 million people in the U.S. pay a visit to their doctor’s office for a torn rotator cuff.
An injured rotator cuff can not only take away your favorite pastimes but can make the simplest tasks, like brushing your hair, a painful experience.
Will rest and ...
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How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Last? Understanding Nerve Pain in Your Shoulder
Your day begins like any other – your eyes open to the sound of your alarm blaring the morning's wake-up call. As you work to find the energy to prop yourself up and drink your first of several cups of coffee, an intense pain in your shoulder stops you in your tracks.
You clutch your shoulder, pain washing over you. As you try to raise your arm, it feels as though it is locked in place, and pain is now the new currency for flexibility and motion. Is this just a symptom of ...
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What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) is more than a painful knot in your neck or muscle tightness in your shoulder – it is a persistent and debilitating condition that can feel like your body’s tension is working against you.
MPS can lead to a deep, nagging pain that aims to disrupt your daily life and make even the simplest of movements feel challenging.
Is there any hope of living a life without the underlying pain of MPS rearing its head at every turn? ...
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How Serious is a Spinal Compression Fracture?
Socrates once said, “If you would seek health, look first to the spine.”
The spine is one of the most important parts of the body, providing structure, support, and communication between your brain and the rest of your body. Contrary to popular belief, your spine is designed to withstand ample amounts of load and stress – but that does not mean it is unbreakable.
Too much pressure on or against the vertebrae in your spine may cause the bones to break ...
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