
How to Prepare for Your Pain Management Procedure
Q: What will happen on the day of the procedure?
A: Wear comfortable clothes and leave unnecessary valuables at home.
The nurse will bring you back to an exam room and ask you several questions, including how bad your pain feels on a 0 – 10 scale. The nurse will place an IV, and the doctor will be in to discuss the steps involved in the procedure, expected outcomes, and answer any questions. You will be asked to sign a consent giving Dr. Tavel permission to do the procedure. You will then be taken into the procedure room where will make every effort to make you comfortable on the procedure table. After the completion of the procedure, you will be monitored in the recovery room for any side effects.
Prior to your release, we will ask for a post injection pain score. This score is important for diagnostic purposes. You and your driver will be given follow-up instructions during checkout.
Q: Do I need a Driver?
A: Yes.
Patients having procedures are given Versed to help them relax, and are considered legally impaired for 6-8 hours after the procedure.
We understand this might be an inconvenience but this is a very important precaution. It is also important that your driver wait at our facility during your procedure so that we may call them to go over post-procedure instructions and check you out when you are ready to leave.
Q: What can I eat and drink before the procedure?
A: Patients should NOT eat or drink anything four hours before their procedure.
If a patient needs to take their regular medication, it is alright to take it with a few sips of water. Diabetic patients may drink small amounts of juice up to 1 hour prior to procedure.
Q: Should I continue to take my medications prior to my procedure?
A: Yes. Please continue to take your usual medications for other health conditions.
The ONLY exception would be blood thinners, such as Plavix, Pletal or Coumadin. If you are taking a blood thinner, please inform our office and nurse at your first visit to our office. With your doctor’s approval, you will need to stop taking your blood thinner medication 3-5 days prior to your procedure.
Q: How long will I be at the medical office during my procedure?
A: Typically from the time a patient arrives until the time a patient is checked out of the facility will be between 1 hour to 1 ½ hours. We usually have a very punctual clinic, but sometimes emergencies and the treatment of complicated patients can cause some delays.
At Pain Specialists of Charleston, we strive to offer our best in pain management services, customer care and communication. If you have any further questions, please reach us directly.
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